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leviathan image 071413

An oceanic mining team is coming to an end of a long tour of deep water duty.  It is their misfortune to stumble upon a sunken Soviet ship close to their base of operations.  Seems that there were dubious genetic experiments taking place aboard the Russian ship that led to its being sunk my the mother country.  Our ever resourceful American divers are able to “tap” in to the remnants of the experiment and find that a couple of their crew members become infected with a nasty gene altering material. It isn’t long before it is a battle between humans and decidedly non-human, monstrous offshoots. “Leviathan” was a movie that appeared in the late 1980’s along with “The Abyss” and “Deepstar Six” to form a mini cycle of sea monster movies that found their inspiration from “Alien”.  Peter Weller leads the ragtag cast of actors who make a last stand against a rampaging monster while their evil conglomerate sponsors topside delay any efforts at rescuing their hapless charges.  Sounds a little like “Alien” to me.


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