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This is a riveting tale of a brilliant scientist’s creation of a super computer that can assist with the automation and running of America’s military defense systems.   Things go horribly awry when the computer, Colossus, combines “minds” with a Russian super computer equivalent, Guardian.  The two machines decide that their superior intellect and control of their respective nations’ defense systems make them perfectly suited to usurp their inferior human creators.  The emotionless computer trust then begins to tighten its grip of control over humanity with some indelicate displays of might, namely dropping nukes on some US and Russian sites.  Things get worse after that.  Lead actor Eric Braeden’s performance as Forbin runs from the gamut from proud, “paternal” figure overseeing Colossus’ early achievements to a grief stricken, broken man unable to control his creation which no longer listens to him or his pleadings to stop the enslavement of humanity by thinking machines.  A precursor to the Terminator series, Colossus originated as a speculative fiction book written by DF Jones.


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