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Classic science fiction film starring Charlton Heston as an astronaut stranded on a planet where apes rule and humans are slaves/brutes hunted for sport and used for medical experimentation.  The proceedings move along at a fairly steady pace thanks to Franklin Schaffner’s able direction.  Ground breaking makeup work by John Chambers and a pun-filled, satiric script by Rod Serling.  This movie caught the public’s imagination and four sequels, each weaker than the last, were spawned as a result.  Very striking beginning to this film as Heston is the last astronaut to enter hyper sleep and the space ship passes through star fields and time before entering the Planet’s atmosphere.  The scenes with the three astronauts traversing an arid landscape in search of water and any signs of life are marked by visuals of spectacular vistas of vast emptiness.  Very haunting.  My favorite film of the “Apes” series.


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