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th (86)

I stumbled upon this movie late at night and was instantly appalled!  What a horrific, nightmarish spectacle it all is.  A unit of Russian soldiers during World War II are unfortunate enough to wander into the Hell of a den of nearly unstoppable human/robot hybrids.  The soldiers’ mission is to apprehend a latter day descendant of the evil Dr. Frankenstein himself and put a stop to his hideous killer creations.  They should have gone AWOL and fled the mission.  The creatures featured in this lovely gore fest are pieced together from dead bodies and curious mechanical parts the good doctor has lying around his lab.  I’ll let you discover their grotesque makeup on your own.  I guess this is one of the charms the film could boast.  What insane mash up of corpse and metal might be coming next?  It is possible for the entire concept of “Frankenstein’s Army”  to build up a loyal fan base and a new horror franchise could be born.  Plenty of gunplay, unrelenting action, explosions, freakish creatures, severed limbs, exposed brains, bloodshed and insane ranting to please even the most jaded horror movie fan.  Truly sickening!!!


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