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th (97)

A harrowing account of a collection of dubious characters  involved in a drug deal that goes bad.  A counsellor, in need of some heavy cash, agrees to go in on a deal with some of his drug connected buddies.  Little do they know that they are being set up by a member of their inner circle.  Visually stunning work with an equally stunning cast.  Ridley Scott directs a cast that includes Michael Fassbender ( who took a turn as a sadistic artificial person in Scott’s “Alien” prequel “Prometheus”), Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz, Penelope Cruz, and Javier Bardem.  Incidentally, the screenplay was written by Cormac McCarthy of “No Country For Old Men” and “The Road” literary fame.  The author’s style shows as we witness the amusing philosophical musings of the mostly dirt bag characters and some rather nasty death scenes.  Although the outcome is ultimately grim, I find myself watching this movie repeatedly and getting involved all over again in the doomed scenario.  A rather amazing work!


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