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th (100)

I came home wiped out after a lousy day at work and wanted nothing more than to dissolve into bed with a little TV action to numb me.  After checking the programming guide, there was nothing on!  Figures.  One last check and I stumbled upon “Frogs” being shown on Robert Rodriguez’s El Rey Network.  Saved!  El Rey has been showing some cool movies recently.  Call them grindhouse features or exploitation or fantastic cinema films, whatever, you will find a wide range of cinema treats to keep you entertained.  So, “Frogs” is a Seventies flick that touches on the theme of ecological disasters.  What calamity may result if we unwittingly tamper with Mother Nature?  And by tampering I mean, what effects will pollution, auto emissions, deforestation, ozone depletion, etc. have on the environment and the creatures living within that environment?  It seems pollution is the likely culprit responsible for turning swamp dwelling creatures into aggressive human killers in this one.  Plenty of creepy crawlies scamper through this film including snakes, birds, alligators and, of course, frogs.  Humorous acting turns by Ray Milland, a very young Sam Elliott, and Adam Rourke.  My favorite human offing method:  death by snapping turtle!


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