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creepshow 1

My favorite episode from the cinematic horror comic, “Creepshow”.  This movie captured the flavor of horror comics infamously represented by the line put out by EC Comics in the 1940’s and 1950’s.  There are flourishes of garish, saturated colors which permeate several chapters of this episodic anthology and some transitions from live action to cartoon graphics.  Genre heavyweights George Romero of “Night of the Living Dead” fame and writer Stephen King lent their talents to the weird goings on here.  This clip details a murderous act of revenge enacted by a jealous husband upon his unfaithful wife and her lover.  The tide turns on the husband as the recently deceased refuse to stay settled in their watery grave and reappear in a rather grotesque, bloated state to return the favor.  Nice acting turns by Leslie Nielsen and Ted Danson.  Nielsen losing his mind when confronted with the undead is rather affecting.


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