THE RELIC – 1997

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relic 1

I have never really liked this movie.  On recent viewing, I can see why.  The entire production is revolting.  It starts with the fact that this is a big budgeted movie based on a best selling book, “Relic”.  Don’t expect to watch this and think it reliably follows the novel.  There have been many editorial liberties taken.  (So what else is new, you ask?)  This movie is awash in guts and gore being spewed in all directions.  There are generous helpings of entrail ripping, blood splatterings and heads being severed.  Ugh.  I don’t think I found one likeable character in the entire story.  Maybe that helps ease the pain of having to add to the body count.  So what the whole sick mess is about purports to be a genetically altered human, reptile, insect hybrid monster that lurks in a sewer below a Natural History Museum.  A cop is investigating some deaths at the museum and stumbles upon this menace.  Too many dimly lit scenes, screaming, fleeing people, body mutilations, and crude special effects for my tastes.  Should have been left under lock and key.


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