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alien 3 colonial marine 1

Alien 3 is not my favorite entry in the Alien film franchise.  After the kinetic pace and firepower of “Aliens” before it, this tale of the Ripley character marooned on a planet serving as a prison for male only inmates who have no access to guns, explosives, etc. was, to say the least, a letdown.  It was also in this David Fincher directed piece that people started fucking with the alien character itself.  We started to see the alien hybrid creature emerge which is meant to add to its character development as it can’t speak and deliver lines of a script.  In my opinion, it adds no interest to the story to see an alien burst out of a dog and to try and pick out the new features particular to this unholy mating.  LAME! Let’s also not forget that two pivotal characters from “Aliens”, Hicks and Newt, didn’t even make it out alive from the crash of the escape shuttle on the prison planet!  It was a very messy creative decision but that is how we started “Alien 3”.

It was thus a very pleasant shock to find out that Neill Blomkamp, director of “District 9” and “Chappie” fame, has been tinkering with a storyline that will follow on after the events of “Aliens”!  It will be like “Alien 3” and (the dreadful, don’t get me started, another review maybe?) “Alien Resurrection” never existed.  Hicks, at least, will live to face another alien challenge!!!  Blomkamp is not releasing a lot of details but Ridley Scott will be producing the new film and Blomkamp is writing and directing.  What an amazing development in my favorite film franchise!


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