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they live 1

It gets to be a drag commenting on the great personalities who are no longer with us.  “Rowdy” Roddy Piper just passed at too young an age.  Roddy Piper made his name in the wrestling ring and established himself as one of the most memorable heels ever.  You were never quite sure what stunt Piper would resort to as he became increasingly wound up and then exploded in some violent act of lunacy.  Sports Entertainment never looked so good when this maniac was present.  Piper branched out into action flicks and turned up in this John Carpenter directed paranoid fantasy.  Piper plays a drifter who stumbles into a well concealed alien scheme of mass manipulation and brain washing of the public at large.  Piper then attempts to eradicated the problem.  Much machine gun fire, explosions, mayhem and even some wrestling action ensues.  One of Carpenter’s better post – Halloween, The Thing, efforts.  Piper’s best role.  BTW – I made up for an earlier fail and have actually attached the trailer now.  DOH!!!


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