Deathmaster – 1972

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Here’s a novel idea!  A charismatic drifter spouting off about an idealized lifestyle appeals to a certain youthful segment of the population who become his “family” of followers and unwittingly carry out his hidden, nefarious plans.  Could this be an early Manson biopic?  Are we looking in on any particular politician?  Oh.  One little item that needs to be added to this story description is that the “Deathmaster” is actually a modern day vampire who actually preys upon his flock in order to extend his diabolical undead existence.

Robert Quarry, who stars, came up with this story idea and it was eventually “fleshed” out into this picture.  Quarry had earlier in his career gained notoriety as the title character in “Count Yorga, Vampire”.  Quarry is effective in his role as he adds sophistication and charm when recruiting people to his commune and an evil savagery when the vampire’s hunger for blood gets to be too much to contain!

This film kind of follows in the same vein (pardon the pun) as “Yorga”.  There is plenty of footage shot at night, ample amounts of low budget filmmaking on display and a 1970’s sensibility that just doesn’t exist anymore.

Open this time capsule and relive the delights of the past!


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