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A mildly amusing Saturday afternoon diversion, “Graveyard Shift” was based on a Stephen King short story.  Here it is fleshed out into movie length and a large part of that filling is loaded with oozing, despicable caricatures.  A bunch of people you could care less about are tasked with cleaning up the lower level area of a mill located somewhere on the east coast.  Maybe the extraction of all the crap which has accumulated down there over the years will alleviate some of the rat problem that infests the place.  What is not known is that the mother of all rodents resides in the shadowy depths and it is ALWAYS hungry for human flesh.  Not the worst way to waste 90 minutes but stay tuned for some heavy gore scenes between the warring factions of vermin, human and rat.  The King story is quite different in that it involves one man trapped in a collapsing underground labyrinth with a gigantic rodent in hot pursuit.  Yuck!

Check out this link below which recounts graveyard shift workers’ sometimes scary working conditions.  A few good chills will be had:


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