Star Trek 6 – The Undiscovered Country (1991)

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This was the final film gathering of The Original Series Star Trek crew after a long line of cinematic adventures. Star Trek started out as a TV series but after only lasting three seasons in its original run, a devoted fanbase rallied to get the creative forces that be to realize that there was still an audience out there and, after Star Wars proved to be a box office smash, that maybe there was gold in them thar science fiction film hills. The resultant movie franchise lasted for six installments. This time out, our heroes are ordered to take a Klingon ambassador to a peace summit onboard the Enterprise. The ambassador and his escort vehicle are attacked and it looks to all the world as though the Enterprise and the very Federation has conspired in the attack. Kirk and McCoy are arrested after attempting a rescue mission onboard the Klingon ship. A kangaroo court convicts them and sends them off to a penal planet for the rest of their lives. It is up to Spock and the remaining crew to prove their innocence by finding out just who perpetrated the actual attack and save them, the Universe and the looming peace talks. Very rousing romp with a lot of character interaction reminiscent of the old TV series popping up again. There is even a symbolic round of applause for the retiring Enterprise crew toward the end of the film. Kind of brings a tear to your eye!


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