UNDER THE SKIN (2014) – Alien Invades

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Very bizarre movie about an alien visitor to Scotland who assumes the form of actress Scarlett Johansson and proceeds to lure unwary men she picks up in her vehicle to their ultimate doom. Johansson lures them to her flat where they both disrobe with the promise of a sexual encounter but end up sinking into some unseen pool “holding tank” to be “consumed” later by the alien. These are some of the many arresting visuals which occur throughout this picture. I was reminded of Bowie’s “The Man Who Fell To Earth” with its tale of an alien who tries to assimilate into the human race but with tragic results. Johansson’s alien is less conventionally social and does try to adopt some of the rituals practiced by humans but cannot really make the connection. Her alien is finally victimized and destroyed by an all too human monster. Lovely outdoor scenes of Scotland abound and I came away from this movie feeling a little haunted.


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