“The Horror Of Party Beach (1964) – The Mayhem Mash

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I have mixed emotions about this twisted little horror film. I remember watching it as a kid and being terrified of many parts of it. There is a lingering memory of the mutated bullfrog chants of the human/aquatic monstrosities created from a ruptured barrel of hazardous radiation waste. The warped soundtrack music careening between creepily plodding to crazed, primitive synthesizer driven fury. Meanwhile, you’ve got a bunch of blood thirsty, shabbily costumed creatures marauding around in the dark looking for unsuspecting human victims.

I think I covered my eyes more than once during this mayhem. I probably covered my ears as well. This is a movie that was created for the teenage movie going crowd so there is a surf band performing on Party Beach thrown in for good measure. Surf music was very much in vogue at the time. This band isn’t very good.

It’s all a very low budget affair but very entertaining! Watching it these days, it still holds some of its charms. But new fears arise: leaking, cannisters of radioactive waste dumped in the ocean really don’t benefit anyone except the movies’ producers.


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