“The Legend of Bigfoot” (1975) – Suit Yourself and Decide

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Here is a film documentary showcasing producer/naturalist Ivan Marx’s exploration to find evidence for the existence of Bigfoot, the mythical giant creature which is said to coexist with Man but can’t seem to pause long enough to ever get examined or clearly defined. I like this grainy film for its ample critter footage of bears, cougars, etc. and scenes of the wilds of the Pacific Sierra. Beautiful country.

In addition to the charming and interesting film work, we also get Marx’s running commentary about his life in Nature and his thoughts about the big hairy guy and his examination of what could be proof of Sasquatch’s existence. You also get an added bonus of seeing some early staged footage of what is purportedly a Bigfoot caught unawares. After the release of the Patterson/Gimlin Bluff Creek footage at the end of the ’60’s, it is shocking to see this documentary’s scrawny hominid in a decidedly ill-fitting black rug-like costume. Oh well. The budget probably didn’t allow for much more.


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