“The War of the Worlds” (1953) – Pretty, 1950’s End of the World Yarn

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H.G. Wells wrote the science fiction classic “The War of the Worlds” back in the 19th century and the setting was England. It seems that a civilization had evolved on the planet Mars and the inhabitants of that planet hatched a plot to conquer our planet. Falling stars land on Earth and reveal encased cylinders that house slimy Martian creatures and Martian war machines that proceed to decimate our world.

Along comes this picture to update the story to the United States in the 1950’s. The screen is filled with dazzling color film work and a different continent to disrupt and demolish. We are also subjected to some mighty wooden acting by our leading couple Gene Barry and Ann Robinson. The United States utilizes its latest military weapons on the aliens who are now operating evil looking flying craft equipped with a goose necked appendage that fires off a vaporizing ray.

There are plenty of histrionics in this science fiction actioner: two mighty military forces battling it out, explosions, heat rays, cities on fire, flying wings, atomic explosions, three eyed creepy creatures, shouting expressionless actors, pontificating egghead scientists, hardheaded career military minds ranting, blood thirsty mobs on the rampage, a war between two celestial bodies!!!!

Come to think of it, you’ll have a great time viewing this. Knock yourself out.


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