James Caan, RIP

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James Caan was an energetic actor who had a great run of movie appearances from the 1970’s to the early 1980’s. Caan started showing up in Westerns like “El Dorado” and oddball psychological pics like “Lady in a Cage” and “Games” in the 1960’s. His acting fortunes took a turn for the epic when he was cast in “The Godfather” (1971). Playing loose cannon Sonny Corleone, son of Mafia Don, Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) showcased Caan’s ability to go from a (relatively) tranquil state to kinetic maniac in the wink of an eye. Such explosive acting pyrotechnics would continue to be exhibited in “Rollerball”, “The Gambler” and “Thief”.

Caan was an iconic 1970’s screen presence. His contributions to the Silver Screen will be remembered and respected.


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