“Bigfoot: The Mysterious Monster” (1976) – Best Bigfoot Documentary EVER?????

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I love this documentary! This is a very cool mixture of documentary filmmaking styles examining the Bigfoot legend which are then combined with dramatic recreations of encounters with the mysterious hairy giants discussed by the witnesses. The hybrid style works! This thing will keep you engaged all the way through.

Actor Peter Graves hosts and looks very serious and, well, grave, throughout. His demeanor expresses the Gravity of the situation of our subject. His reaction shots to the scientific fellows examining and discussing evidence are priceless.

Actual recordings of Bigfoot vocalizations, footprint photos, eyewitness stories and the inclusion of the Patterson-Gimlin film are shown and debated. The recreations of the Bigfoot family unit frolicking and foraging are wonderful. Overall, a very well-done history and report on the state of Bigfoot research back in the mid-1970’s.

Distributed by Sun Classic Pictures, who put out a variety of documentary features in the 1970’s showcasing Nature or The Great Outdoors.


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