Everest Has Been Conquered

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It was 71 years ago to this day, May 29th, that Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world, was first summited by Edmund Hillary and Tensing Norgay. An amazing feat to be able to claim to be the first to get to the top of that very dangerous mountain. Over the years thousands have taken a stab at the Everest summit and, by this point, a thousand plus have summited. The challenge of enduring the cold, the wind, the high altitudes and its resultant tolls felt by the climber’s body and brain persist but it seems that due to the vast amounts of people making the trek, the mountain has become something of a mess. Trash has accumulated, human waste is in abundance, routes are clogged with human traffic and some of the less fortunate climbers who have lost their lives on the mountain litter the landscape as well. Oh, yes. And it is very expensive to share in the adventure. Everest seems to have been conquered by the sheer amount of human intrusion on its slopes.

Watch the video attached to get an idea of the state of Mount Everest in this day and age.


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