Placed here for laugh value only.  Truly, one of the worst movies I have seen.  Cash in on the stalker/slasher and alien film genres popular with movie goers at the time.  Here we have an alien visitor to our planet vaporizing innocents with his laser blasting eyeballs. William Devane to the rescue to deliver us from the unwarranted alien barbequing of earthlings.  A suitable double bill partner for other frightful turkeys of the ’70’s such as Nightwing, The Car, The Manitou, etc.
This picture was made on a small budget and sports some Ray Harryhausen style stop motion animation effects.  Pretty good effects at that.  Sometimes the figures and models look out of scale with their background but the motion achieved is more than adequate.  This is a good flick for a lazy Saturday afternoon:  enough thrills to keep you occupied but nothing spectacular either.  Kid finds blaster in the desert which allows him to blow things to smithereens.  Cool!  The unfortunate side effect of the weapon is that it turns the kid into a hideous green- hued monster.  The alien owners [More]
  This is the full movie version of Tales From The Crypt (1972).  A couple of nice segments in this British horror anthology.  Fantastic ghoul makeup applied to Peter Cushing.
  This was a cool scene from ” Aliens: The Director’s Cut”.  The Colonial Marines stranded on the Alien planet set up robot sentries in the hallways of the complex where they are trying to survive.  The sentries detect motion and are programmed to fire upon any intruders tripping the sensors.  Needless to say, the ammunition runs out fast as the Marines figure out that they are overrun with deadly Aliens trying every means possible to get to the Marines.  Very effective editing and use of sound effects.  We don’t ever clearly see the Aliens being blasted into smithereens by [More]
Surprise shocks as people in scary costumes jump out from behind doors, curtains, out of ice cream freezers, etc.  Bring an extra diaper along for this one.
This video short starts out in a forest with the innocent taping of the flora and fauna.  There is movement on the trail ahead of you.  Is it a deer?  No, something a bit out of the ordinary shows up in your viewfinder.  What is it?  See something alien?  You’ll be surprised at what shows up!
Very mixed bag of items covered photograpically, presumably residing in a super secret NASA vault somewhere.  They have their fingers in every pie!  Here we see underwater pyramids, moon structures, bits and pieces of ancient technology, super structures half buried, excavated alien spaceships, giant human skeletons uncovered, etc.  It appears to me to be wishful thinking.  Photo enhancing may be at play.
Edited NASA CLIPPY 071613 movie Unidentified space junk floating by the space shuttle, the Russian space station Mir, Skylab, Apollo spacecraft and transiting the Moon’s surface.  Who’s to say what these films truly reveal?  Judging by the abundance of activity displayed, space is one crowded place.
  Very twisted clip from John Carpenter’s The Thing.  A chest that opens up and sports big, jagged fangs?  The better to bite your hands off with!  Ugly.  Outstanding mechanical visual effects by Rob Bottin.  All these monster effects had to be built  from wire frames and then dressed to achieve the required look and then remotely made to function by one or more operators  A lot of motors, wires, cables and what have you brought these monsters to life.  Disney called them animatronics.  They don’t make them like this anymore.  CG is much quicker and cheaper.
Nice colorful, hypnotic pattens generated in time to the music track.  Meant for recreational purposes only. hehe
    A car attempting to pass another car ends up crashing into an unseen oncoming vehicle.  Scary.
This little slide show of tornados and high winds and weather mayhem is totally unbelievable.  Mother Nature can be very scary indeed.  I live on the West Coast.  We don’t have to deal with this nightmare.  Just earthquakes.  hehe.
Crazy wrestlers missing moves or getting over exhuberent in their matches.  The result?  A messed up body part (s).  Looks painful.  What a way to make a living!
Collection of clips depicting disgusting violations of the human body as The Thing (from another world, of course) starts to wipe out an icebound outpost of civilization.