H.G. Wells wrote the science fiction classic “The War of the Worlds” back in the 19th century and the setting was England. It seems that a civilization had evolved on the planet Mars and the inhabitants of that planet hatched a plot to conquer our planet. Falling stars land on Earth and reveal encased cylinders that house slimy Martian creatures and Martian war machines that proceed to decimate our world. Along comes this picture to update the story to the United States in the 1950’s. The screen is filled with dazzling color film work and a different continent to disrupt [More]
This alien on the loose in a small community film caper has the great advantage of having two acting legends as part of the cast: Jack Palance and Martin Landau. Add in their over the top characterizations, manic is a kind word, and this makes for a moderately memorable viewing experience. There are some nasty attack sequences by some flying nasties that clamp on and zombify their victims. The main alien actor is a towering apparition that appears closer to the end of the film to maintain some dread and mystery as to his purpose and appearance. Landau’s bug eyed [More]
The Big One! Aliens invade our airspace and threaten our way of life. The Earth counters their incursion. Our efforts amount to naught. Surprise, surprise, it takes American ingenuity to break through the aliens’ defenses. Adrenaline fueled, special effects heavy, feel good peon to Humankind working together and preserving the sanctity of freedom and The American Way. LOL! You’ll love it!!! Pop Corn Hall Of Fame Award Winner!!! Yay!!!!
I love this flick.  Atmospheric, indeed!  An otherworldly craft touches down in the British countryside.  Three aliens are variously seen in the shadows.  A military unit picks up the craft on radar and begins to search for whatever appeared on the scope.  One of the aliens is struck by a car when the fellow tries to dash across a fog enshrouded road at night.  He is taken to a hospital where he is looked after.  The other two aliens track his whereabouts and put an invisible barrier in place around the hospital.  What are the aliens’ intentions?  A lot of engaging night time [More]