Another collection of strange stories submitted to Rusty West by his listeners that West combines into a creepy compilation of bizarre and spooky audio narratives. These vignettes can be absolutely terrifying. A couple of stories from his prior collections have freaked me out and stuck with me. Plus, I am a sucker for the howling wind sound effect backgrounds that Rusty has used many times in these videos. Wonderful!
A story from Mendocino, California which may involve the very mysterious. Namely….Bigfoot! But, who knows? You decide. This is the second video episode of Halloween Video Crypt. Hope you like it!
Rusty West’s You Tube videos and books talking about missing people, weird occurrences and Bigfoot have become some of my favorites.  I just like his writing style and narration.  I think it is very direct and entertaining.  But also very spooky!  Case in point, in this collection of tales, is the tale of the raided chicken coop.  That one gives me the chills.  Check out Rusty.
Creepy compendium of weird shit caught on video.  We’ve got UFO’s, Bigfeet, ghostly mirages of floating cities.  I mean, what else do you need to keep you entertained for a few minutes?  Crack open a few cold ones and enjoy.
  Here are some creepy examples of unexpected, ghostly patrons photobombing the living’s photo ops.  Plenty of examples provided here to get your hackles up.  Another frightening element to this video is the narrator’s robotic, sing song tone.  The entertainment value of this post just went up!