I have always personally enjoyed this Boris Karloff scare fest set in the English countryside, but it may not be your cup of Earl Grey. I think it is the atmospheric locales complete with swirling fog banks and the rustic British environs plus the deeply saturated colors that most appeals to me. Boris is his sinister best in one of his latter day horror roles. I guess you could call this a cosmic horror tale as it is loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Colour Out of Space” short tale. American Nick Adams ventures to a distant estate to visit [More]
An outsider travels to a rural English town to conduct business and uncovers an ages old secret. The town commemorates the execution of a witch centuries before. Our businessman begins to experience nightmares of weird rituals of which he is a participant and stumbles upon evidence of unwelcome intrusions into his room. Could it be that witchcraft practitioners are still active in the town and he is to be one of their unwitting sacrifices? I think you know the answer to that. Enjoyable romp due chiefly to the presence of horror legends Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee. Both are very [More]
Gruesome Hammer Films reinterpretation of the classic Universal monster movie vehicle of a mad, maverick doctor and his attempts to bring life to dead bodies.  Made in 1957, this horror remake is a graphic, Technicolor chronicle of the despicable practices that Dr. Frankenstein engages in.  Portrayed as a kind of sadistic, cold-hearted deviant, Peter Cushing is marvelous as the doctor.  Cushing carries on an affair with his housekeeper even while his long suffering fiancé is sleeping upstairs in the castle.  Having previously promised the housekeeper marriage, as well, Cushing laughs in her face and says he never had any such [More]