These days, I don’t think you will find an action movie that does not include the phrase, “GO, GO, GO!!!” screamed out by a character in full flight motion.  And you’ll probably hear this shouted several times more throughout the stock chase, pursuit, frantic action sequences that clog up these crazed action vehicles.  Is it an entitlement to the action film scripter to include this chestnut multiple times amidst all the sweat, smoke, fire and explosions?  I guess it must be.  Everyone else includes it.  Why don’t I?  It is most certainly a cliché lazily included because what else would someone say who [More]
“What is this place?”  It is not as if we haven’t been here before or heard this particular line repeated over and over again in a multitude of movies.  I would have to categorize this sample of dialogue as one of the quite often imitated exclamations of myriad characters who become the mouthpieces of unimaginative script writers.  Call it dependence on cliché, simple laziness or a belated regurgitation of all of the media crap they have ingested over the years but this particular example of puzzled profundity pops up a lot.  Here’s just one example from one of The X-Men movies.  [More]