An interesting article surfaced recently.  Artificial Intelligence robots being tested by Facebook seemingly began communicating in a language that was indecipherable to the “experts”.  Shocking!!! First off – are there any true experts on any subject, particularly concerning the medical profession, science, technology?  The minute any absolutes or concrete data is laid out to demonstrate our understanding of how the body, nature or the Universe works, it can be retracted with a new theory or explanation to replace the old one.  Oh, really?  Why don’t the experts just admit that they are guessing and don’t actually really know shit? Wow.  [More]
This may be my favorite episode of Kolchak – The Night Stalker TV series.  Kolchak ends up on an ocean cruise to do a fluff piece on the singles scene.  It ends up being anything but a pleasure cruise for the intrepid reporter.  A series of brutal attacks on the paying customers ensue and Kolchak theorizes that a werewolf may be responsible.  It turns out one of the guests is harboring a dreadful secret that has a nasty habit of getting completely out of control when the full moon rises.  This is a very suspenseful show full of dark shadows, memorable acting [More]