A very strange film courtesy of director Curtis Harrington. This film is by turns ambitious, clumsy, inspired, dull, beautiful, ugly, and creepy in atmosphere. Harrington compiles, at times, an epic space adventure that involves our world and the inhabitants of another planet. It seems that Earth has detected an interstellar message that aliens are headed toward our planet to establish a meeting of the races. It is soon discovered that the aliens were waylaid enroute and crashed on the planet Mars. Earth dispatches a rescue mission to assist the downed craft. Our astronauts recover one living specimen but soon regret [More]
I have always personally enjoyed this Boris Karloff scare fest set in the English countryside, but it may not be your cup of Earl Grey. I think it is the atmospheric locales complete with swirling fog banks and the rustic British environs plus the deeply saturated colors that most appeals to me. Boris is his sinister best in one of his latter day horror roles. I guess you could call this a cosmic horror tale as it is loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Colour Out of Space” short tale. American Nick Adams ventures to a distant estate to visit [More]
The 1970’s had its share of weird movies that featured very bizarre characters and groups, “Lemora” (1973, also!) immediately comes to mind. This feature details a seaside community where a diabolical cult of some sort is in operation. Are these conservatively dressed people zombies, vampires, demonically possessed drones? It seems the latter. An old tale is recounted in flashback about the community where an evil preacher begins to spread his evil presence felt. The town’s weirdness continues to the present and we see a malevolent mob tracking down innocent victims and then devouring them. Very interesting visual style is applied [More]
Very enjoyable, further adventure of hockey mask wearing, unstoppable serial butcher, Jason Vorhees. Jason is being studied at a government facility in the 21st century. After some murderous mayhem, he is cryogenically frozen along with one of the doctors studying him. Flash forward to the 25th century where another research team find the two iced over specimens and take them aboard their vehicle and rocket off back to their space habitat. Eventually the doctor is revived and warns that it is best to leave Jason on ice as once he is active, all proverbial Hell will break loose. Accidents happen [More]
Lifeforce has always been an enjoyable viewing experience for me.  Directed by Tobe Hooper of Texas Chainsaw Massacre fame, this flick straddles the line between falling into either the science fiction or horror movie camps.  It ends up having elements of both in its delivery.  An international space crew observing Halley’s Comet become aware of an unidentified object hidden within the comet’s tail.  The crew decides to investigate the object up close and then things start to get really interesting.  I think the first thirty minutes of this movie are brilliantly paced.  I love that portion of the movie but [More]