Another Horror great has left us.  Director George A. Romero has died at age 77.  Romero and screenwriter John Russo made zombies fashionable again and truly terrifying with the release of their independent feature “Night of the Living Dead” (1968).   This movie was gutsy, gripping and gruesome and it has frightened viewers for nearly 50 years.  The living dead in this picture have shambled through the nightmares of millions of viewers and, to this very day, “Night of the Living Dead” will more than likely cap off the horror movies played on Halloween night.  The vivid memories of watching [More]
Very cool compilation of different zombie types that are found in movies and TV.  We find that there may be multiple ways to be turned into a zombie including plagues, solar flares, voodoo, etc.  The general consensus is, though, that in order to end a zombie’s miserable existence is to your advantage to severely wound or damage the head area of said zombie.  If your aim is steady and accurate enough, use a gun or rifle to shoot the zombie in the head.  Seems to do the trick in most cases.  Always nice to watch these cats shamble around on [More]