Director William Friedkin cemented his legacy with two filmic masterpieces, The French Connection and The Exorcist. The French Connection excites with the kinetic pacing of this violent crime drama. It doesn’t hurt that this movie also features an iconic car chase scene that was repeatedly imitated. Also, features an Academy Award winning performance by Gene Hackman as hardboiled detective Popeye Doyle. The Exorcist stills ranks, in my book, as one of the scariest movies ever made. The hackles will rise on the back of your neck as you witness a young girl being taken over by an evil presence and [More]
This is a moderately interesting tale of a city family happening upon an old country home for sale, deciding to buy it, and taking the plunge headlong into strange occurrences and demonic possession. This movie is of note because of an early directorial turn by Steven Spielberg. He followed up the classic “Duel” (1971), with this effort. “Duel” was definitely better but this movie is distinguished by impressive camera work and unorthodox shooting angles befitting the twisted nature of this tale of possession. Darren McGavin is also onboard, just recently removed from his performance as Kolchak from “The Night Stalker” [More]
I had memories of watching this movie at a much younger age and decided to check it out again. Luckily, You Tube has the complete movie available for viewing. I must say that it is much better watching this time from what I previously remembered. A geologist comes across a forbidden text which carries within it a demonic lineage and an evil spirit in human form is trying to recover said text at whatever cost. Friends of the geologist become involved in the struggle for ownership of what is probably the Book of Tobin and must deal with the evil [More]
“Burnt Offerings” brings to mind another haunted mansion flick, “The Shining”. BO features a family renting a stately manor and acting as caretakers to the property and the elderly lady supposedly inhabiting an upstairs room. It isn’t long before the heebee-jeebees set in and the wife and husband get unwillingly possessed by some dark forces lingering about the place. The husband has a bad spell and nearly drowns his son in the pool but then returns to some semblance of normality while his wife starts behaving rather oddly. As you can well imagine, no good can come from any of [More]
Hello.  Back after a long absence of laying around.  So as not to strain myself too much, I am sharing a link for an article I found which talks about what the article considers the worst horror movies of all time.  I have to agree with a lot of them and then there are the many that I haven’t seen so I can’t really comment on those. For one, I thought “The Darkness” was not that terrible.  I thought it had some good sequences which built up the tension of an unexpected demon settling in to a family’s home.  Slightly [More]
Ah!!!  Here is a delightful little trifle called “Race with the Devil”.  Two vacationing couples take their RV out into the wild and make the mistake of setting up camp smack dab in the middle of human sacrifice country!  Truly terrible luck.  After this unfortunate incident, the movie becomes one long chase sequence as the blood thirsty devil worshippers continue in hot pursuit of  the couples.  Great action and some nice turns by the always dependable actors Warren Oates and Peter Fonda.  This one is definitely not an Easy Ride.
  Here are some creepy examples of unexpected, ghostly patrons photobombing the living’s photo ops.  Plenty of examples provided here to get your hackles up.  Another frightening element to this video is the narrator’s robotic, sing song tone.  The entertainment value of this post just went up!
1970’s TV movies offered up a plethora of weird subject matter the net result being that it left deep psychological wounds on young, impressionable viewers which I am sure, myself included, they carry with them to this day.  I remember the exhilaration of braving some of this creepy TV material and then spending sleepless nights terrified by the experience.  This unpleasant little story included these hideous, shriveled up, doll sized demons you see here.  You see, there is a lady, actress Kim Darby, who spends quite a lot of time in a dark house filled with these beasts.  They only want [More]
Halloween rapidly approaches.  What better way to get into the spirit (a little ghostly pun, there) than to start tracking down some creepy videos of ghostly manifestations and other strange stuff that will make your skin crawl?  Here are some samples to get you startled, er…., started.