Harmless, enjoyable fodder based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs vision of a habitable Hollow Earth that exists beneath our feet. Peter Cushing and Doug McClure are two adventurers who employ an earth burrowing contraption that propels them deep within the earth to discover a region previously unknown that is full of life! In addition to people, there are any number of monstrous dinosaurs and ultra vibrant alien fauna. McClure provides the brawn and Cushing the brains as they must work in tandem to free an oppressed race and find a way to get back alive to the surface of the [More]
The 1970’s were rife with speculation about what mysterious force could be behind all the missing and vanished boats, ships and planes which entered the region known as The Bermuda Triangle and then were never seen again.  There are many books and television shows which have delved into this haunted spot.  Are there natural forces to blame for the swallowing up of all these vessels or is it something supernatural?  This scary TV picture thought that The Devil was at work in the area.  Doug McClure and Kim Novak get stuck in the middle of all this mess and try [More]