Andy Warhol was famously known as a leading practitioner of the Pop Art movement in the 60’s and as a constant admirer and pursuer of Celebrity/celebrities through the course of his life up until his death. Warhol was also interested in all kinds of art, namely, sculpture, painting, filmmaking and music. All of these art forms were utilized by Warhol in an idea he had for a mixed media freakout event. Films would be projected onto walls, dancers and Warhol film actors and pulsating, colored lights and strobes would illuminate a performance space that was sonically assaulted by the cacophonic [More]
Simeon Coxe was part of the musical duo known as The Silver Apples. He just passed away. I would not say I was previously a huge fan of their music. I thought their use of a DIY synthesizer beast and drummer combo were at times too repetitive and I wasn’t in love the singing. Listening now, I am liking what I hear more and more. I have borrowed the description below from Jon Pareles of The New York Times who describes the band: Silver Apples was a two-man band: Dan Taylor on drums and Mr. Coxe, billing himself simply as [More]