Simeon Coxe was part of the musical duo known as The Silver Apples. He just passed away. I would not say I was previously a huge fan of their music. I thought their use of a DIY synthesizer beast and drummer combo were at times too repetitive and I wasn’t in love the singing. Listening now, I am liking what I hear more and more. I have borrowed the description below from Jon Pareles of The New York Times who describes the band: Silver Apples was a two-man band: Dan Taylor on drums and Mr. Coxe, billing himself simply as [More]
Very sweet documentary covering people who shape sound in any manner or way they see fit.  Call these noise practitioners, the new Punks.  Some of those shown performing describe what they do as a new form of punk rock, a DIY mindset of artist creation, made with whatever musical instrument, effect pedal, electronic device or mechanical apparatus is at hand. Whatever label you put on these sounds, the end result is a collection of unique individuals who are producing, performing, and espousing noise.  It is all very liberating and refreshing.  Granted the documentary is seven years old by this date [More]
Very influential, big budget science fiction film from the 1950’s.  In the future, a starship from earth ventures to a remote planet to check on the well being of a colony established by earlier explorers.  Only two survivors are found from the previous expedition but they flourish in their compound with the assistance of their super workhorse robot, Robby.  It seems that survivor Dr. Morbius has learned a few tricks from the previous inhabitants of the planet, the uber advanced Krell.  But not all knowledge is necessarily good to have.  Morbius harbors some dark secrets of his own that have a [More]