Not to start the New Year off on a bad note but I recently read an interesting article that outlines some of the difficulties we currently face in our global society and possibly safe places to go in case of catastrophe. (I guess it may not matter if you get there and don’t already have a compound set up and self-sufficient means of survival set up!) But Definitely food for thought in our currently turbulent times. When aren’t times on this planet turbulent? But read on and enjoy! The link is here: 7 Best Places to Go in the U.S. [More]
I like this talky, little tale of a group of characters trying to hole up in a cabin and ride out a nuclear holocaust.  We see some stock footage at the start of this thing that compiles various angles of mushroom clouds.  A prophetic voice over accompanies the footage.  Great start!  We get more rehashed, archive films of mountains, trees and the outdoors to enable the finishing up of the audio narrative.  The folks who end up reluctantly spending time together are running out of space and time.  Radioactive fallout may soon be encroaching onto their turf and the surrounding countryside is inhabited by [More]
Tensions between America and the Eastern Bloc escalate into a devastating nuclear exchange.  We see the bleak results unleashed on one of our large cities and its populace. There is an extended sequence in this made for television movie, “The Day After”, detailing a very harrowing nuclear missile attack on Kansas City, USA.  It is an interesting collage of actual documentary footage detailing the effects on structures and the landscape by the detonation of atomic weapons, sound effects, and newly created film effects of buildings and bodies vaporizing in the flash heat fires which accompany nuclear blasts.  Awful.
Pretty harrowing moviefare as a man and his son wander a wasteland attempting to survive a post apocalyptic North American landscape.  The cause of the cataclysm is never fully divulged.  We do know that most plant and animal life has been wiped out and resources such as food and water are in short supply.  Based on Cormac McCarthy’s book of the same name.