I want to like “Rose Red” but it is just not a very scary or suspenseful movie. I don’t really like any of the characters so that impacts my interest toward this two-night Stephen King television movie. It used to be a regular event for network television to buy one of King’s properties and then create a TV movie. Some were good, others not so good. I think this is one lesser quality King works. A team of ghost hunters head off to a notorious haunted property to see if they can find any evidence of activity. Their search will [More]
Another collection of strange stories submitted to Rusty West by his listeners that West combines into a creepy compilation of bizarre and spooky audio narratives. These vignettes can be absolutely terrifying. A couple of stories from his prior collections have freaked me out and stuck with me. Plus, I am a sucker for the howling wind sound effect backgrounds that Rusty has used many times in these videos. Wonderful!
I am trying to pinpoint the origins of how this movie was made. What haunted house film had come before that could provide “inspiration” to get this film produced? I have guessed “The Omen” (haunted in a different way) or maybe even “The Legend of Hell House” but I am not sure. “House of Evil” is a mismatch of ghostly manifestations taking place in an abandoned mansion which has been recently purchased by a scientist as the site of a new research facility. A team of fellow scientists and assorted specialists join the professor in his new digs and then [More]
“Burnt Offerings” brings to mind another haunted mansion flick, “The Shining”. BO features a family renting a stately manor and acting as caretakers to the property and the elderly lady supposedly inhabiting an upstairs room. It isn’t long before the heebee-jeebees set in and the wife and husband get unwillingly possessed by some dark forces lingering about the place. The husband has a bad spell and nearly drowns his son in the pool but then returns to some semblance of normality while his wife starts behaving rather oddly. As you can well imagine, no good can come from any of [More]
Rusty West’s You Tube videos and books talking about missing people, weird occurrences and Bigfoot have become some of my favorites.  I just like his writing style and narration.  I think it is very direct and entertaining.  But also very spooky!  Case in point, in this collection of tales, is the tale of the raided chicken coop.  That one gives me the chills.  Check out Rusty.
Art Bell just passed away.  Bell was a very interesting fellow who started the Coast To Coast AM radio program.  Bell was a pretty good interviewer and would let his guests discuss their topics at length.  Bell followed his interests and featured a lot of paranormal topics and brought on guests who discussed UFO’s, Bigfoot, ghosts, and other strange phenomena.  I spent many a night listening to his program and getting scared out of my wits and avoiding sleep.  I have great memories of Bell, his beliefs and his sense of humor. The clip I linked to is an example [More]
Hello.  Back after a long absence of laying around.  So as not to strain myself too much, I am sharing a link for an article I found which talks about what the article considers the worst horror movies of all time.  I have to agree with a lot of them and then there are the many that I haven’t seen so I can’t really comment on those. For one, I thought “The Darkness” was not that terrible.  I thought it had some good sequences which built up the tension of an unexpected demon settling in to a family’s home.  Slightly [More]
Creepy compendium of weird shit caught on video.  We’ve got UFO’s, Bigfeet, ghostly mirages of floating cities.  I mean, what else do you need to keep you entertained for a few minutes?  Crack open a few cold ones and enjoy.
  Here are some creepy examples of unexpected, ghostly patrons photobombing the living’s photo ops.  Plenty of examples provided here to get your hackles up.  Another frightening element to this video is the narrator’s robotic, sing song tone.  The entertainment value of this post just went up!
A lovely, wet weather, stay inside creep fest to indulge in and then pay the price by looking over your shoulder or seeing things out of the corner of your eye when the movie does what it’s supposed to do and scares the Hell (House) out of you.  A scientist and his hand picked psychics and sensitives venture to a sprawling estate long rumored to be infested with ghosts.  The investigators’ purpose is to gather evidence and finally prove that there is a form of life after death: that ghosts really exist.  Heavily atmospheric and unsettling.  Good performances from Roddy McDowall and Clive [More]
Halloween rapidly approaches.  What better way to get into the spirit (a little ghostly pun, there) than to start tracking down some creepy videos of ghostly manifestations and other strange stuff that will make your skin crawl?  Here are some samples to get you startled, er…., started.
Charles Dickens’ classic literary work is converted to silent cinema form by inventor Thomas Edison’s film studios.  Rather “stagey” in appearance but that is to be expected from early cinematic works.  The language of film had yet to be developed and filmmakers relied on the conventions of the stage (all action taking place in a static location such as a stage set, minimal usage of close up or shot variation , etc.).  By today’s standards, the film may seem a bit plodding and “stationary” but the multiple exposure materialization of the ghosts Scrooge encounters are generally effective.  Get out the popcorn and [More]
Surprise shocks as people in scary costumes jump out from behind doors, curtains, out of ice cream freezers, etc.  Bring an extra diaper along for this one.
What the heck?  It’s getting nearer to Halloween.  Take a look at some of these pictures which all show an abnormal subject!