My favorite episode from the cinematic horror comic, “Creepshow”.  This movie captured the flavor of horror comics infamously represented by the line put out by EC Comics in the 1940’s and 1950’s.  There are flourishes of garish, saturated colors which permeate several chapters of this episodic anthology and some transitions from live action to cartoon graphics.  Genre heavyweights George Romero of “Night of the Living Dead” fame and writer Stephen King lent their talents to the weird goings on here.  This clip details a murderous act of revenge enacted by a jealous husband upon his unfaithful wife and her lover.  [More]
Very influential, big budget science fiction film from the 1950’s.  In the future, a starship from earth ventures to a remote planet to check on the well being of a colony established by earlier explorers.  Only two survivors are found from the previous expedition but they flourish in their compound with the assistance of their super workhorse robot, Robby.  It seems that survivor Dr. Morbius has learned a few tricks from the previous inhabitants of the planet, the uber advanced Krell.  But not all knowledge is necessarily good to have.  Morbius harbors some dark secrets of his own that have a [More]