Andy Warhol was famously known as a leading practitioner of the Pop Art movement in the 60’s and as a constant admirer and pursuer of Celebrity/celebrities through the course of his life up until his death. Warhol was also interested in all kinds of art, namely, sculpture, painting, filmmaking and music. All of these art forms were utilized by Warhol in an idea he had for a mixed media freakout event. Films would be projected onto walls, dancers and Warhol film actors and pulsating, colored lights and strobes would illuminate a performance space that was sonically assaulted by the cacophonic [More]
So trying to find some inspiration to make a post, I came up with possibly my weakest entry yet. But, let me say, that I spared you a review of “The Killer Shrews”, “Conquest of the Planet of the Apes”, “No Country For Old Men”. Take your pick. It ain’t going to be any of those. I’ll save those for Halloween time. What I came up with was in response to a conversation I had with my wife. We are going to a Labor Day weekend wedding and she volunteered me to take pictures to produce a photo album to [More]
Some call it a contract ending or breaking recording project turned in to his record label.  Lester Bangs referred to it as garage electronic rock.  Whatever Lou Reed’s intention, Metal Machine Music is pretty much a consistent recording: It all pretty much sounds the same after 5 minutes but there is over an hour of material on the record/CD to “indulge” in. What we hear are moments of interest, maybe even melody seeping briefly out of the multitracked noise sludge before being sucked back in by the feedback monster.  I remember listening to this sort of thing being hungover.  What’s a few [More]