I used to listen to the CBS Mystery Theater radio program late at night as a kid and, then, in later years tried to relive those happy moments by  collecting old cassette recorded copies of similar radio drama programs.  I stumbled upon this gem, the 1950’s era Escape show and its feature, “The Abominable Snowman”. The story is presented in an economic style with a handful of characters, emotive music and gobs of sound effects.  All the better that there are no visuals involved so that your mind’s eye can more effectively play tricks on you.  The imagination can be [More]
When you get right down to it, there are a ton of potential choices for Halloween movie viewing marathons.  For the sake of brevity, I am choosing just five selections which will still take you a good day to get through so plan ahead to take the day off from your work or school grind!  Wolfen (1981) – a cop is assigned to investigate a series of animal attacks.  Is there a pack of werewolves on the loose in modern day New York?  Some creepy situations and a suspenseful story should keep you entertained throughout.  Albert Finney and Gregory Hines [More]
I started watching this from about the half way point and got hooked.  This is your basic kids stranded in a lonely cabin with no way to get past or rid of the nasty, howling bigfoot creature which wants to avenge itself on them.  Fairly effective “found footage” approach is used throughout.  One of the humans in peril is video recording the whole adventure.  The scene with the guy on the mountain bike and the GoPro trying to find a cell phone signal and, then, trying to outpace a hotly pursuing sasquatch is pretty nerve wracking.  Exists brings to mind [More]
A camera set to take photographs at select time intervals catches a strange shape rising out of a lake near Loch Ness.  Is it a log, a large fish, a camera aberration?  You be the judge.  The Internet is just full of such mysterious photos/videos that allegedly show proof of mythic beasts.  One day solid proof of such unusual phenomenon may materialize.
This picture was made on a small budget and sports some Ray Harryhausen style stop motion animation effects.  Pretty good effects at that.  Sometimes the figures and models look out of scale with their background but the motion achieved is more than adequate.  This is a good flick for a lazy Saturday afternoon:  enough thrills to keep you occupied but nothing spectacular either.  Kid finds blaster in the desert which allows him to blow things to smithereens.  Cool!  The unfortunate side effect of the weapon is that it turns the kid into a hideous green- hued monster.  The alien owners [More]
Probably my all time favorite movie.  This trailer is interesting in that it has the crude egg model and the tracking shot of the alien planet surface which are unique to the trailer and do not appear in the theatrical release.  Hugely influential film.