Some ideas never seem to go away.  Over 40 years ago, there was a book documenting strange anomalies seen in NASA photographs of the Moon’s surface.  Some of the images originated from orbital surveyors, others were taken during Apollo missions to the Moon’s surface.  I have to say that some of the things supposedly seen by acute observers of unusual structures and objects on the Moon stretch credibility and take a good bit of imagination to visualize.  And then there are other images, still and motion, which are hard to figure out what the heck they are.  Anyway, here is a [More]
Very mixed bag of items covered photograpically, presumably residing in a super secret NASA vault somewhere.  They have their fingers in every pie!  Here we see underwater pyramids, moon structures, bits and pieces of ancient technology, super structures half buried, excavated alien spaceships, giant human skeletons uncovered, etc.  It appears to me to be wishful thinking.  Photo enhancing may be at play.