More 1980’s music video hilarity, intentional or otherwise, from this big blues/rock band.  The sentiment of the song is universal as well as we have all had our hearts ripped out at one time or another by the focus of our affections.  Beautiful guitar break about 80% in to the song.  My old friend once described it as “5,000 overdubbed guitars” crunching out some power chords.  What’s not to love????!!!!!
Night Ranger was a band that made it big in the formative days of MTV.  Apparently, a film school friend recorded their music video and it was given heavy air play on the fledgling music video network.  With a limited amount of content to air, Night Ranger’s “Don’t Tell Me You Love Me” received heavy play on the network.  The public took note and music video stars were born.  A succession of pop metal hits was the spawn.  “When You Close Your Eyes” follows the Night Ranger formula and features the band members exhibiting their thespian skills.  The net results [More]