An engaging 1970’s era documentary that examines reports of strange flying objects from ancient times up until the present which was 1974 when this documentary was made. Cool recreations of eyewitness accounts are interspersed with actual pictures and films taken by pilots, military personnel, NASA astronauts and civilians alike. The whole shebang is hosted by the great Rod Serling, the creator of “The Twilight Zone” and MC of “The Night Gallery”. It appears as though his recorded segments were filmed among the remains of his “Night Gallery” set: spotlight on Rod, and various illustrative props given a bit of highlight [More]
The 50th anniversary of man first setting foot on the Moon is close upon us. Looking back at this documentary, it gives an expansive encapsulation of the entire mission from preparation, to lift off, to setting foot on the Moon.  And then there remained the task of managing a safe journey back to Earth.  Mind boggling!  Stunning accomplishment for the United States and the World.  Very cool, vintage documentary.  Relive this momentous event again and try not to shed a few tears when the  Eagle lunar module lands on the Moon.  Joyous!  We should do this adventure again soon!
I recommend this Top Ten List of Strange Space Noise recorded over the years by scientists and researchers.  Marvel at the mutterings of an actual Black Hole!  Hear the astonishing sonic wash of space telemetry (Brief Interruption Here.  Here is an explanation of Space Telemetry:  Data Transmission Space telemetry transmits information in the form of a radio signal. Sensors on the spacecraft collect analog data–a photograph of Mars for example–and send it back to Earth. Early space telemetry systems used Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to transmit data.) in all its glory!  You get the idea.  [More]
Some ideas never seem to go away.  Over 40 years ago, there was a book documenting strange anomalies seen in NASA photographs of the Moon’s surface.  Some of the images originated from orbital surveyors, others were taken during Apollo missions to the Moon’s surface.  I have to say that some of the things supposedly seen by acute observers of unusual structures and objects on the Moon stretch credibility and take a good bit of imagination to visualize.  And then there are other images, still and motion, which are hard to figure out what the heck they are.  Anyway, here is a [More]
Very mixed bag of items covered photograpically, presumably residing in a super secret NASA vault somewhere.  They have their fingers in every pie!  Here we see underwater pyramids, moon structures, bits and pieces of ancient technology, super structures half buried, excavated alien spaceships, giant human skeletons uncovered, etc.  It appears to me to be wishful thinking.  Photo enhancing may be at play.
Edited NASA CLIPPY 071613 movie Unidentified space junk floating by the space shuttle, the Russian space station Mir, Skylab, Apollo spacecraft and transiting the Moon’s surface.  Who’s to say what these films truly reveal?  Judging by the abundance of activity displayed, space is one crowded place.