George Romero continued the tale of the decimation of society by a zombie outbreak with this follow up to “Night of the Living Dead”. Romero angled for social commentary more heavily this time showing a horde of zombies inhabiting a shopping mall and lumbering about all the trinkets and merchandise available in a multi store shopping mall. There are comments from the still human cast about how the undead have returned to a place of comfort where they wiled away hours, buying and looking at products and shit, when they were still counted among the living. Consumerism is criticized but [More]
Tony Todd was recognized for his roles in the horror franchises “Candyman” and “Final Destination” and my personal favorite “Night of the Living Dead” (1990). Tony has recently passed away. Tood gave a strong performance as Ben in the 1990 “Dead” remake. Thrust into a nightmare scenario, Ben attempts to figure out how the dead have suddenly reanimated and why they are trying to eat the living. Pretty grim stuff. Ben and Barbara occupy a remote farmhouse and attempt to zombie proof the place and ensure their survival. Todd is very good in the part. R.I.P., Mr. Todd.
Another Horror great has left us.  Director George A. Romero has died at age 77.  Romero and screenwriter John Russo made zombies fashionable again and truly terrifying with the release of their independent feature “Night of the Living Dead” (1968).   This movie was gutsy, gripping and gruesome and it has frightened viewers for nearly 50 years.  The living dead in this picture have shambled through the nightmares of millions of viewers and, to this very day, “Night of the Living Dead” will more than likely cap off the horror movies played on Halloween night.  The vivid memories of watching [More]