A child is discovered wandering aimlessly in a desert in the Southwestern United States. Trying to locate her parents, a police investigation starts to uncover a series of abandoned and destroyed homesteads in the area. The evidence is confounding but scientists are brought onboard and their discoveries are unsettling. Could it be that an area located near nuclear testing could be harboring mutations created by the bomb blast radiation? Of course it could! This movie was one of many made at the time that posited that giant ants, grasshoppers, humans could be the horrific result of our dabbling with nuclear [More]
A real creepy premise in this flick:  giant, mutated ants are on the loose and stalking victims in isolated areas of the God forsaken desert! I bring you this cinematic, sci-fi gem because of a recent summer time invasion of the small variety of ants in our house in pursuit of the cat’s food.  These little beasts are annoying enough in their present miniature state as they scamper in all directions as you try to eradicate their presence inside your home.  In addition to the trouble of getting them picked up and removed, you get the sinister feeling that the [More]