Art Bell just passed away.  Bell was a very interesting fellow who started the Coast To Coast AM radio program.  Bell was a pretty good interviewer and would let his guests discuss their topics at length.  Bell followed his interests and featured a lot of paranormal topics and brought on guests who discussed UFO’s, Bigfoot, ghosts, and other strange phenomena.  I spent many a night listening to his program and getting scared out of my wits and avoiding sleep.  I have great memories of Bell, his beliefs and his sense of humor. The clip I linked to is an example [More]
Hello.  Back after a long absence of laying around.  So as not to strain myself too much, I am sharing a link for an article I found which talks about what the article considers the worst horror movies of all time.  I have to agree with a lot of them and then there are the many that I haven’t seen so I can’t really comment on those. For one, I thought “The Darkness” was not that terrible.  I thought it had some good sequences which built up the tension of an unexpected demon settling in to a family’s home.  Slightly [More]
What the heck?  It’s getting nearer to Halloween.  Take a look at some of these pictures which all show an abnormal subject!