A very strange film courtesy of director Curtis Harrington. This film is by turns ambitious, clumsy, inspired, dull, beautiful, ugly, and creepy in atmosphere. Harrington compiles, at times, an epic space adventure that involves our world and the inhabitants of another planet. It seems that Earth has detected an interstellar message that aliens are headed toward our planet to establish a meeting of the races. It is soon discovered that the aliens were waylaid enroute and crashed on the planet Mars. Earth dispatches a rescue mission to assist the downed craft. Our astronauts recover one living specimen but soon regret [More]
Your skin will crawl.  You’ll feel things scampering over you….But, worst of all, these things will be nesting inside of you.  That is the unfortunate aftermath that goes down after a wooly mammoth fossil is unearthed and an ages old parasite is exposed to the light of day once more and unleashed on a unsuspecting group of scientists in “The Thaw”.  The parasite seeks new hosts and exhibits a very nasty habit of multiplying at an alarming rate.  The group soon becomes infected and becomes the latest host for the hoards of creepy crawlies.  Very unpleasant portrayal of hosts with festering [More]