I have always enjoyed Hammer Films’ “Horror Of Dracula” starring Peter Cushing as Dr. Van Helsing, vampire authority, and Christopher Lee as the undead blood sucker, Dracula. I thought the movie was a very well done horror thriller. Lee is menacing and frightening as a very strong but cold parasitic beast bent on his own survival. Cushing is magnificent as the determined and brilliant expert on folklore and the Supernatural bent on ending the vampire’s reign of terror. With the current pandemic raging on and being newly unemployed, I found time to finally finish Bram Stoker’s novel, “Dracula”. Now, comparing [More]
I have given a minute or two of thought to what I would enjoy most viewing on Halloween.  I would most definitely need to take the day off of work because this lineup would probably consume a good 10 hours.  Sacrifices must be made!  Granted this is the first of what may be a series of some of my most adored movies piled together in one marathon viewing.  These movies are what came off the top of my head at the time and can definitely be mixed and matched and replaced with other selections.  I think that makes sense.  5 [More]
Back when Hammer Films were all the rage and knocking horror fans dead at the box office, “Dracula: Prince of Darkness” marked the return of Christopher Lee to the title roll of the infamous undead vampire king.  He had gone away from the role after his turn as the blood sucker in the remarkable “Horror of Dracula” (1958), one of Hammer Films’ first stabs at rebooting the Universal monster cycle from films decades before.  Lee appeared in Hammer Films such as “The Gorgon” (1964) and “She” (1965).  He just wasn’t interested in playing Dracula.  But through whatever form of alchemy [More]
Gruesome Hammer Films reinterpretation of the classic Universal monster movie vehicle of a mad, maverick doctor and his attempts to bring life to dead bodies.  Made in 1957, this horror remake is a graphic, Technicolor chronicle of the despicable practices that Dr. Frankenstein engages in.  Portrayed as a kind of sadistic, cold-hearted deviant, Peter Cushing is marvelous as the doctor.  Cushing carries on an affair with his housekeeper even while his long suffering fiancé is sleeping upstairs in the castle.  Having previously promised the housekeeper marriage, as well, Cushing laughs in her face and says he never had any such [More]
An enjoyable time filler fantasy picture that follows a team that captures a live abominable snowman or yeti.  Forrest Tucker plays a sham naturalist who talks of sharing the capture of a yeti to the world as a scientific wonder.  As the movie progresses, we find out that he is in fact a P.T. Barnum in the making who wants to parade the beast around the world at fair and make a killing at the box office.  Peter Cushing is a more traditional scientist who comes to detest the intentions of Tucker.  Very atmospheric music and sets when the team [More]
  This is the full movie version of Tales From The Crypt (1972).  A couple of nice segments in this British horror anthology.  Fantastic ghoul makeup applied to Peter Cushing.
A guilty pleasure!  Caveman is dug up in China by a scientific expedition and transported by train out of the frozen wastes.  Unbeknownst to the expedition, an alien life presence has been trapped inside the prehistoric life form and it wants to make up for millions of years of lost time!  Namely, turning anyone who gazes into its hypnotic red eyes into a zombified slave who does the alien’s bidding.  A battle between us and them erupts on the train ride with the very future of mankind’s supremacy on this planet at stake!  Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee are teamed [More]