Author Michael Crichton made a career of fabricating yarns about scientific pursuits which are intended for the advancement and betterment of Man going horribly awry. Whether it be an unfailing belief in the infallibility of scientific advancement being a good thing and absolutely essential to our well being or just a catastrophic domino effect of good intentions and can’t fail scientific method crumbling into chaos, Crichton offered up a bevy of such cautionary tales about our experts overstepping their bounds with regard to natural order and development. Case in point: The Terminal Man. This cinematic take explores what would happen [More]
Dr. Henry Jekyll has been experimenting with cocaine as a potential anesthetic drug. He over does it a bit with his experiment and his drug intake, and low and behold, manifests or converts into an evil alter ego, “Jack” Hyde, a crack pipe equipped, murderous psycho. I subtitled this entry as Hybrid Horror. Let me explain myself. The grisly murders undertaken by Hyde resemble those of the infamous Jack The Ripper. This version of Mr. Hyde dispatches his victims in a manner similar to Ye Olde Jack: destructive, savage administration of a surgical knife to parts of the victim’s anatomy. [More]
Michael gets some guitar time in before returning to his favorite vocation.  Happy Halloween!
Always a favorite Valentine’s Day view, “Fatal Attraction” documents a married man’s fling while the wife’s away that turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life.  Rather than obediently disappearing after their wild weekend, Michael Douglas’ love interest, Glenn Close, chooses instead to hang around and try to become a more permanent fixture in his life.  Of course, this was not a part of the plan in Douglas’ mind.  Close is very single minded in her pursuit and will not think of hearing “no” as a response in her quest top become Douglas’ primary love interest.  There is [More]
I think I mentioned Tales From The Crypt in an earlier post.  I stress this segment from the anthology film from the ’70’s because it features a diabolical madman on the loose who dons a Santa Claus suit to get into the spirit of the Christmas season during which the segment transpires.  Seedy Santa leers and creeps outside the residence of an equally seedy sexpot played by Joan Collins.  You can question whether there was type casting involved.  I have.  Anyway, an enjoyable if edgy representation of the jolly fat guy who in this case gets his jollies from stalking [More]
Another trend setter.  Carpenter’s masterpiece centering on the immortal, knife-wielding psychopath, Michael Myers.  Much creepiness and terror as Myers stalks Jamie Lee Curtis and her friends.  Lots of shadows, lurking, mayhem, frights.  A true classic.