Science Fiction mind fuckage in the high mode. AI experiments run rampant in a secluded state of the art home/fortress/laboratory surrounded by some of the most grandeur examples of nature imaginable. In this fabulous environment, human and artificial intelligence interact and collide, deceiving each other along the way and providing a battleground for a survival of the fittest both mentally and physically. Not hard to imagine who comes out on top. Beautifully shot with some creepy footage of the initial AI experiments of brilliant programmer Nathan. It is his last creation, Ava, who takes on a very vibrant life of [More]
An interesting article surfaced recently.  Artificial Intelligence robots being tested by Facebook seemingly began communicating in a language that was indecipherable to the “experts”.  Shocking!!! First off – are there any true experts on any subject, particularly concerning the medical profession, science, technology?  The minute any absolutes or concrete data is laid out to demonstrate our understanding of how the body, nature or the Universe works, it can be retracted with a new theory or explanation to replace the old one.  Oh, really?  Why don’t the experts just admit that they are guessing and don’t actually really know shit? Wow.  [More]
Enjoyable fantasy flick about an amusement park for adults where life like robots make up the populace and, if you’re lucky, you might even be able to sleep with or kill one of them!  Vegas has got nothing on this place!  But, it isn’t a perfect world, even in Westworld.  Computers there, as in our present society, seem to have mind’s of their own.  The robots begin to act on impulse, out of control of their creators, and all Hell breaks loose.  A good rainy day flick to curl up with for 90 minutes.  Nice electronic soundtrack, too!