A story from Mendocino, California which may involve the very mysterious. Namely….Bigfoot! But, who knows? You decide. This is the second video episode of Halloween Video Crypt. Hope you like it!
Rusty West’s You Tube videos and books talking about missing people, weird occurrences and Bigfoot have become some of my favorites.  I just like his writing style and narration.  I think it is very direct and entertaining.  But also very spooky!  Case in point, in this collection of tales, is the tale of the raided chicken coop.  That one gives me the chills.  Check out Rusty.
I used to listen to the CBS Mystery Theater radio program late at night as a kid and, then, in later years tried to relive those happy moments by  collecting old cassette recorded copies of similar radio drama programs.  I stumbled upon this gem, the 1950’s era Escape show and its feature, “The Abominable Snowman”. The story is presented in an economic style with a handful of characters, emotive music and gobs of sound effects.  All the better that there are no visuals involved so that your mind’s eye can more effectively play tricks on you.  The imagination can be [More]
I have come across this story a couple of times and see it as a truly chilling account of hunters turning into prey.  Hunters off in a very remote wilderness “trespass” across an unknown creature’s domain.  Things go very downhill from there. This story is given an air of credibility when it is discovered that this tale was relayed to Theodore Roosevelt by an old Mountain Man and included in Roosevelt’s book, “The Wilderness Hunter”. After reading it several times over the years, it has yet to loose its fearsome, chilling effect.  Probably my favorite old time Bigfoot report.  Of [More]
OK.  Maybe the visual equivalent of paint drying at times but a genuinely creepy situation of some unknown creature baying in the woods.  The second half, with the rocks being thrown, features some sort of grunting primate perhaps?  I think I am glad that I didn’t get to see what was making all the racket.  Sanity is a terrible thing to waste.  Hehe.
Creepy compendium of weird shit caught on video.  We’ve got UFO’s, Bigfeet, ghostly mirages of floating cities.  I mean, what else do you need to keep you entertained for a few minutes?  Crack open a few cold ones and enjoy.
I started watching this from about the half way point and got hooked.  This is your basic kids stranded in a lonely cabin with no way to get past or rid of the nasty, howling bigfoot creature which wants to avenge itself on them.  Fairly effective “found footage” approach is used throughout.  One of the humans in peril is video recording the whole adventure.  The scene with the guy on the mountain bike and the GoPro trying to find a cell phone signal and, then, trying to outpace a hotly pursuing sasquatch is pretty nerve wracking.  Exists brings to mind [More]