This is another one of those flicks I watched in my youth, 10,000 years ago, that frightened me. Watching it now, I am struck by the loveliness of some of the black and white film cinematography but bored by the dull goings on and the lumbering, costumed monster. I now remember what creeped me out all those years ago and it has to do with the beast’s predilection to behead his victims. Never pleasant in any era. So, we have a giant sea monster that walks on two legs and apparently lives in a cave near a lighthouse. The lighthouse [More]
A camera set to take photographs at select time intervals catches a strange shape rising out of a lake near Loch Ness.  Is it a log, a large fish, a camera aberration?  You be the judge.  The Internet is just full of such mysterious photos/videos that allegedly show proof of mythic beasts.  One day solid proof of such unusual phenomenon may materialize.