I have mixed emotions about this twisted little horror film. I remember watching it as a kid and being terrified of many parts of it. There is a lingering memory of the mutated bullfrog chants of the human/aquatic monstrosities created from a ruptured barrel of hazardous radiation waste. The warped soundtrack music careening between creepily plodding to crazed, primitive synthesizer driven fury. Meanwhile, you’ve got a bunch of blood thirsty, shabbily costumed creatures marauding around in the dark looking for unsuspecting human victims. I think I covered my eyes more than once during this mayhem. I probably covered my ears [More]
WTF?  Watch the entire movie and ask yourself:  What kind of twisted mind came up with this tale?  An entertaining if ridiculous movie featuring shipwreck survivors lost at sea, giant sea monsters feasting on human prey and a strange culture lost in time.
What the heck?  It’s getting nearer to Halloween.  Take a look at some of these pictures which all show an abnormal subject!